a functional analysis of “any day now” by kate bollinger
Kate Bollinger seems to just love laying the softest vocals over the crunchiest harmonies—and I eat it up every time.
“Any Day Now,” off Bollginer’s 2024 album Songs From A Thousand Frames Of Mind and cowritten with Mattew E. White, is no exception! Every couple of lines is at a new, surprising
tonal center . It’s especially impressive considering that the song was recorded with one day of practice and produced without
, as Bollinger states in the album’s
(punctuation tweaked):
I recorded the song at Sam [Burton]’s place in upstate New York with a band we put together. We spent the first day practicing the songs. The next day we recorded the first two songs, “Any Day Now” being the second one. We did it all live in the room, no headphones or click, done in the spirit of most of my favorite music from the late 60s.
I’ll be using
functional analysis to discuss where Bollinger leads listeners over the course of the song.
The song is in A-B-A form, where B is identical to A apart from key and B’s one extra ending measure.
abc notation
X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1
I: linebreak !
"A""^I"z | "E""^V"z | "C#""^V/vi"z | "F#-""^vi"z/2 "F#o""^vio"z/2 |!\
"B-""^ii"z | "B""^V/V"z | "D-""^ii/\#II"z | "G""^V/\#II"z |!\
"C7""^I7/\#II"z | "C7""^I7/\#II"z | "F""^IV/\#II" z/2 "F#o""^\#ivo/\#II"z/2 | "G""^V/\#II"z |!\
"C7""^I7/\#II"z | "C7""^I7/\#II"z | "F""^IV/\#II" z/2 "F#o""^\#ivo/\#II"z/2 | "G""^V/\#II (\bVII)"z | x
within sections: spicy sharpness & deceptive resolutions
In measure three: Bollinger uses the major dominant of the relative minor, Ⅴ/ⅵ (major 5 of 6) (Ⅲ (major 3))—instead of the in-key minor dominant, ⅴ/ⅵ (minor 5 of 6) (ⅲ (minor 3)). This adds color (introducing the sharp fifth
degree ) without being too surprising just yet; the
secondary dominant
chain, Ⅲ, Ⅵ, Ⅱ, Ⅴ, Ⅰ (all-major 3, 6, 2, 5, 1), is a common jazz
lending a bluesy sound to music.
The song goes on to follow a roughly reminiscent Ⅲ, ⅵ(o), ⅱ, Ⅱ (major 3, minor and diminished 6, 2, major 2) progression—the move from ⅱ (1) to Ⅱ (1) adding color as before. Then, where it should resolve to Ⅰ (1), it promptly slaps us using a
two-five cadence to modulate to ♯Ⅱ (sharp 2).
between A & B: deceptive… lack of resolution?
Instead of returning to Ⅰ/♯Ⅱ (1 of sharp 2) from Ⅴ/♯Ⅱ (5 of sharp 2) (or even to Ⅰ (1) to start the whole progression over), the B section stays on A’s last chord, Ⅴ/♯Ⅱ (5 of sharp 2) (♭Ⅶ (flat 7)), and treats it as the new tonic. This effectively modulates B a whole step down from A.
from B back to A: more deception, more drama!
B hangs on its last chord, Ⅴ/♯Ⅰ (5 of sharp 1) (AKA ♯Ⅴ (sharp 5), Ⅴ/♯Ⅱ/♭Ⅶ (5 of sharp 2 of flat 7), or Ⅴ/♯Ⅱ/Ⅴ/♯Ⅱ (5 of sharp 2 of 5 of sharp 2)), for one extra measure. We’re really drawing out our dominant, giving us a cliffhanger perfect for returning to ♯Ⅰ (1). But we resolve to… Ⅰ (1)? We end up right back at the start of A with no warning!
When I first listened to this song, sleepy on the train back home from work, I couldn’t help but crack a smile.
abc notation
%%annotationfont X 10
X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1
I: linebreak !
[T: "End of B Section\n\n"] "Bb7""^I7/\#II/\bVII"z | "Bb7""^I7/\#II/\bVII"z | "Eb""^IV/\#II/\bVII"z/2 "Eo""^\#ivo/\#II/\bVII"z/2 | "F""^V/\#II/\bVII (V/\#I)"z | "F""^V/\#II/\bVII"z |!\
[T: "A Section"] "A""^I"z | "E""^V"z | "C#""^V/vi"z | "F#-""^vi"z/2 "F#o""^vio"z/2 | x
bonus: chords to the whole song
I did omit some chord details like added sixths; I might add those in at a later date!
abc notation
X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1
K: A
I: linebreak !
[T: "Intro"] "A"z | "A"z |!\
[T: "A Section"] "A"z | "E/G#"z | "C#/G#"z | "F#-"z/2 "F#o"z/2 |!\
"B-"z | "B"z | [K: C] "D-"z | "G"z |!\
"C7"z | "C7"z | "F"z/2 "F#o"z/2 | "G"z |!\
"C7"z | "C7"z | "F"z/2 "F#o"z/2 | "G"z |!\
[K: G][T: "B Section"] "G"z | "D/F#"z | "B/F#"z | "E-"z/2 "Eo"z/2 |!\
[K: G] "A-"z | "A"z | [K: Bb] "C-"z | "F"z |!\
"Bb7"z | "Bb7"z | "Eb"z/2 "Eo"z/2 | "F"z |!\
"Bb7"z | "Bb7"z | "Eb"z/2 "Eo"z/2 | "F"z | "F"z |!\
[K: A][T: "A Section"] "A"z | "E/G#"z | "C#/G#"z | "F#-"z/2 "F#o"z/2 |!\
"B-"z | "B"z | [K: C] "D-"z | "G"z |!\
"C7"z | "C7"z | "F"z/2 "F#o"z/2 | "G"z |!\
"C7"z | "C7"z | "F"z/2 "F#o"z/2 | "G"z |!\
[T: "Outro"] "G"z | x